"Targeting" File Parsers with S2E and Kaitai Struct

󰃭 2017-10-23


Recently I’ve been playing around with file parsers in S2E. This typically involves calling s2ecmd symbfile to make the parser’s input symbolic and then running S2E to explore different paths through the parser. However, this is a relatively heavy-handed approach; it makes the entire input file one big symbolic blob, which quickly causes path explosion. Additionally, we may only be interested in exploring paths that exercise specific functionality.

So how can we achieve more targeted symbolic execution on file-based programs such as parsers? One approach could be to write a custom S2E plugin that handles the onSymbolicVariableCreation event and intercepts s2ecmd symbfile. You could then write C++ code that iterated over the symbolic data and adjusted what was symbolic/concrete. The downsides of this approach should be evident: it is time consuming and error prone to write C++ code to do this; it requires knowledge of the input file format; and you would have to repeat this process for different file formats. Can we do better?

Kaitai Struct

Let’s briefly diverge from S2E and discuss Kaitai Struct. Kaitai Struct is a tool for developing parsers for binary structures. It provides a YAML-like language that allows for the concise definition of a binary structure. The Kaitai Struct Compiler (ksc) then generates a parser from this definition. This parser can be generated in a number of languages, including C++, Python and Java.

Here is a partial definition of the ELF format in Kaitai Struct (taken from the format gallery). It consists of a number of “attributes” (e.g. magic, abi_version, etc.) which describe an ELF file:

  id: elf
  title: Executable and Linkable Format
  application: SVR4 ABI and up, many *nix systems
  license: CC0-1.0
  ks-version: 0.8
  # e_ident[EI_MAG0]..e[EI_MAG3]
  - id: magic
    size: 4
    contents: [0x7f, "ELF"]
  # e_ident[EI_CLASS]
  - id: bits
    type: u1
    enum: bits
  # e_ident[EI_DATA]
  - id: endian
    type: u1
    enum: endian
  # e_ident[EI_VERSION]
  - id: ei_version
    type: u1
  # e_ident[EI_OSABI]
  - id: abi
    type: u1
    enum: os_abi
  - id: abi_version
    type: u1
  - id: pad
    size: 7
  - id: header
    type: endian_elf

I strongly recommend reading the Kaitai Struct documentation to get the most out of this post, as I will skip much of the detail here (mostly because I’m not really an expert myself!). Nevertheless, there is one feature that is worth singling out: the “processing spec”.

The processing spec allows you to apply a custom function that will “process” an attribute in some way. For example, an attribute may be encrypted/encoded. A processing spec can be applied to decrypt/decode this attribute at run time.

How is this relevant to symbolic execution? Suppose that we had an s2e_make_symbolic processing spec, and by applying this spec to particular attributes we would make only those parts of the input file symbolic. This would give us more fine-grained control over S2E’s state space and potentially reduce the path explosion problem. All we need is a way to combine S2E and Kaitai Struct to make this possible!

Combining S2E and Kaitai Struct

We will use the Lua programming language to combine S2E and Kaitai Struct. Using Lua allows us to reuse existing components — S2E contains an embedded Lua interpreter (for parsing the S2E configuration file and writing function/instruction annotations), while ksc is capable of generating Lua parsers. Thus, we can use ksc to generate a Lua parser for our input file and embed this parser within the S2E configuration file to make it accessible to S2E. (We could have used ksc to generate a C++ parser, but this would require recompiling S2E every time we wanted to use a different file format.) By selectively applying the s2e_make_symbolic processing spec in our input definition, we can achieve more targeted symbolic execution.

The remainder of this blog post will walk through how I combined S2E and Kaitai Struct. I’ll use the ELF definition (discussed previously) and readelf as a practical example.

In an effort to make it easier for others to play with the code, I’ve tried to make it as stand-alone as possible — there are no modifications to S2E’s core engine or ksc. However, this means that the code is far from polished! The code consists of the following components:

  • A command-line tool (s2e_kaitai_cmd) that executes in the guest OS. This tool reads the input file and invokes an S2E plugin to selectively make the file symbolic;
  • An S2E plugin (KaitaiStruct) that invokes Lua code to run a parser generated by ksc; and
  • A small amount of Lua glue between the S2E configuration file and the parser generated by ksc.

Each of these components are described below. The complete code is available here.

The s2e_kaitai_cmd tool

At the start of this post I mentioned that we would normally use s2ecmd symbfile to make an input file symbolic. The symbfile command makes an input file symbolic by:

  1. Opening the input file in read/write mode
  2. Reading the input file into a buffer
  3. Calling s2e_make_symbolic on the buffer
  4. Writing the (now symbolic) buffer back to the original input file

We’ll take a similar approach, except we’ll modify step (3) to:

  • Invoke the KaitaiStruct plugin to selectively make the buffer symbolic

To do this we’ll add the following directories/files to our S2E environment:

  • source/s2e/guest/common/s2e_kaitai_cmd/s2e_kaitai_cmd.c
  • source/s2e/guest/common/include/s2e/kaitai/commands.h

I’ll skip steps 1, 2 and 4 because they have already been implemented in s2ecmd. For step 3, we’ll create a custom S2E command to invoke a plugin (described later) that will selectively make the input file symbolic. The command structure should be placed in source/s2e/guest/common/include/s2e/kaitai/commands.h. It follows the standard method for invoking S2E plugins from the guest:


  // Pointer to guest memory where the symbolic file has been loaded
  uint64_t InputFile;
  // Size of the input file (in bytes)
  uint64_t FileSize;
  // 1 on success, 0 on failure
  uint64_t Result;
} __attribute__((packed));

  enum S2E_KAITAI_COMMANDS Command;
  union {
} __attribute__((packed));

We can then add the following function to s2e_kaitai_cmd.c. This function takes a pointer to the file contents (which have been read into a buffer) and the size of the buffer (determined with lseek), constructs the relevant command and sends this command to S2E.

static inline int s2e_kaitai_make_symbolic(const uint8_t *buffer, unsigned size) {
  struct S2E_KAITAI_COMMAND cmd = {0};

  cmd.MakeSymbolic.InputFile = (uintptr_t) buffer;
  cmd.MakeSymbolic.FileSize = size;
  cmd.MakeSymbolic.Result = 0;

  s2e_invoke_plugin("KaitaiStruct", &cmd, sizeof(cmd));

  return (int) cmd.MakeSymbolic.Result;

Now we need an S2E plugin to handle this command.

The KaitaiStruct plugin

Let’s start with a skeleton plugin (don’t forget to add s2e/Plugins/KaitaiStruct.cpp to the add_library command in source/s2e/libs2eplugins/src/CMakeLists.txt).

The header file:


#include <s2e/CorePlugin.h>
#include <s2e/Plugins/Core/BaseInstructions.h>

// Forward declare the S2E command from s2e_kaitai_cmd

namespace s2e {
namespace plugins {

// In addition to extending the basic Plugin class, we must also implement the
// IPluginInvoker to handle custom S2E commands
class KaitaiStruct : public Plugin, public IPluginInvoker {

  KaitaiStruct(S2E *s2e) : Plugin(s2e) { }

  void initialize();

  // The method from IPluginInvoker that we must implement to respond to a
  // custom command. This method takes the current S2E state, a pointer to
  // the custom command object and the size of the custom command object
  virtual void handleOpcodeInvocation(S2EExecutionState *state,
                                      uint64_t guestDataPtr,
                                      uint64_t guestDataSize);

  // The name of the Lua function that will run the Kaitai Struct parser
  std::string m_kaitaiParserFunc;

  // handleOpcodeInvocation will call this method to actually invoke the Lua function
  bool handleMakeSymbolic(S2EExecutionState *state, const S2E_KAITAI_COMMAND &command);

} // namespace plugins
} // namespace s2e


And the CPP file:

// From source/s2e/guest/common/include
#include <s2e/kaitai/commands.h>

#include <s2e/ConfigFile.h>
#include <s2e/S2E.h>
#include <s2e/Utils.h>

#include "KaitaiStruct.h"

namespace s2e {
namespace plugins {

  "Combine S2E and Kaitai Struct",
  // Dependencies
  "LuaBindings"); // Reuse the existing Lua binding code from the
                  // function/instruction annotation plugins

void KaitaiStruct::initialize() {
  m_kaitaiParserFunc = s2e()->getConfig()->getString(
    getConfigKey() + ".parser");

bool KaitaiStruct::handleMakeSymbolic(S2EExecutionState *state,
                                      const S2E_KAITAI_COMMAND &command) {
  // We'll finish this later
  return true;

void KaitaiStruct::handleOpcodeInvocation(S2EExecutionState *state,
                                          uint64_t guestDataPtr,
                                          uint64_t guestDataSize) {

  // 1. Validate the received command
  if (guestDataSize != sizeof(cmd)) {
    getWarningsStream(state) << "S2E_KAITAI_COMMAND: Mismatched command "
                             << "structure size " << guestDataSize << "\n";

  // 2. Read the command
  if (!state->mem()->read(guestDataPtr, &cmd, guestDataSize)) {
    getWarningsStream(state) << "S2E_KAITAI_COMMAND: Failed to read "
                             << "command\n";

  // 3. Handle the command
  switch (cmd.Command) {
      bool success = handleMakeSymbolic(state, cmd);
      cmd.MakeSymbolic.Result = success ? 0 : 1;

      // Write the result back to the guest
      if (!state->mem()->write(guestDataPtr, cmd, guestDataSize)) {
        getWarningsStream(State) << "S2E_KAITAI_COMMAND: Failed to "
                                 << " write result to guest\n";
    } break;

    default: {
      getWarningsStream(state) << "S2E_KAITAI_COMMAND: Invalid command "
                               << hexval(cmd.Command) << "\n";

} // namespace plugins
} // namespace s2e

Our plugin has only one dependency: the LuaBindings plugin. This plugin configures S2E’s Lua interpreter and allows us to call Lua code in the S2E configuration file.

The handleOpcodeInvocation method follows a similar pattern to other plugins that implement IPluginInvoker (e.g. FunctionModels and LinuxMonitor):

  1. Validate the received command by checking its size.
  2. Read the command. Since the command is issued by the guest, it resides in guest memory. Nothing in our command should be symbolic (remember it only contains the input file’s start address and size), so we can read this memory concretely.
  3. Handle the command. In this case we call another function (that we’ll discuss shortly) to invoke the Lua interpreter to parse the input file.
  4. Indicate success/failure to the guest. We do this by setting a “return code” in the command structure and writing the command back into guest memory.

Let’s finish handleMakeSymbolic. Since we are working with Lua code we must include some extra header files:

#include <vector>

#include <s2e/Plugins/Lua/Lua.h>
#include <s2e/Plugins/Lua/LuaS2EExecutionState.h>

And finally the function implementation:

bool KaitaiStruct::handleMakeSymbolic(S2EExecutionState *state,
                                      const S2E_KAITAI_COMMAND &command) {
  uint64_t addr = command.MakeSymbolic.InputFile;
  uint64_t size = command.MakeSymbolic.FileSize;
  std::vector<uint8_t> data(size);

  // Read the input file's contents from guest memory
  if (!state->mem()->read(addr, data.data(), sizeof(uint8_t) * size)) {
    return false;

  // Get the Lua interpreter's state
  lua_State *L = s2e()->getConfig()->getState();

  // Wrap the current S2E execution state
  LuaS2EExecutionState luaS2EState(state);

  // Turn the input file into a Lua string
  luaL_Buffer luaBuff;
  luaL_buffinit(L, &luaBuff);
  luaL_addlstring(&luaBuff, (char*) data.data(), sizeof(uint8_t) * size);

  // Set up our function call on Lua's virtual stack
  lua_getglobal(L, m_kaitaiParserFunc.c_str());
  Lunar<LuaS2EExecutionState>::push(L, &luaS2EState);
  lua_pushinteger(L, addr);

  // Call our Kaitai Struct parser function
  lua_call(L, 3, 0);

  return true;

Hopefully this is relatively easy to understand (see here for more information on Lua’s C API). First we read the input file into a Lua string for the Kaitai Struct parser. Then, we call the Kaitai Struct parser function (which we’ll define in the following section).

We must set up the parser function’s arguments before we can call it. A virtual stack is used to pass values to Lua functions. The first item pushed onto this stack is always the function name. Our parser function will be defined in Lua’s global namespace (for simplicity), so we can use lua_getglobal to retrieve this function from the S2E configuration file and push it onto the stack. We then push:

  1. The current S2E execution state;
  2. The input file’s start address (in guest memory); and
  3. The contents of the input file (as a string).

Now all that’s left to do is to implement this parser in the S2E configuration file.

Lua scripts

First, we need to compile a Kaitai Struct format definition into a Lua parser. Since we are going to be experimenting with readelf, let’s create our readelf project now and get the ELF definition from the Kaitai Struct gallery:

# Create the S2E project
s2e new_project -n readelf_kaitai readelf -h @@
cd projects/readelf_kaitai

# Get the ELF Kaitai Struct definition and compile it
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_formats/master/executable/elf.ksy
ksc -t lua elf.ksy

This will generate elf.lua. Now let’s try it out on a testcase from AFL. If you don’t already have it, you’ll also need Kaitai Struct’s Lua runtime:

# Get Kaitai Struct's Lua runtime
git clone https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_lua_runtime lua_runtime

# Get the ELF testcase
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mirrorer/afl/master/testcases/others/elf/small_exec.elf

# Parse the testcase
lua5.3 - << EOF
package.path = package.path .. ";./lua_runtime/?.lua"

inp = assert(io.open("small_exec.elf", "rb"))
testcase = Elf(KaitaiStream(inp))
print("testcase e_ehsize: " .. testcase.header.e_ehsize)

You should see a header size of 52 bytes (you can run readelf -h small_exec.elf to confirm).

I originally stated that we’d be using Kaitai Struct’s processing spec to target specific file attributes to make symbolic. Let’s define this processing spec in lua_runtime/s2e_make_symbolic.lua:

local class = require("class")

S2eMakeSymbolic = class.class()

function S2eMakeSymbolic:_init(s2e_state, start_addr, curr_pos, name)
  self._state = s2e_state
  self._addr = start_addr + curr_pos
  self._name = name

function S2eMakeSymbolic:decode(data)
  local mem = self._state:mem()
  local size = data:len()

  -- The decode routine is called after the data has already been read, so we
  -- must return to the start of the data in order to make it symbolic
  local addr = self._addr - size

  mem:makeConcolic(addr, size, self._name)

  -- Return the data unchanged
  return data

All we’ve done here is define a new class, S2eMakeSymbolic, with a constructor (_init) and a decode method. The constructor takes the following arguments:

  1. The current S2E execution state;
  2. The input file’s start address (in guest memory);
  3. The current position of the parser. This plus the start address tell us the absolute memory address to make symbolic; and
  4. The name of the symbolic variable.

The ELF parser will automatically call decode when it encounters an attribute with the s2e_make_symbolic processing spec applied. However, the decode method is called after the data has been read from the input file, so we must compensate for this when we make the data symbolic (by subtracting the size of the memory region we just read).

Let’s make something symbolic. We’ll choose something simple for now — the ELF header’s e_machine field. In elf.ksy the e_machine field is defined under the endian_elf type:

# The original definition of the e_machine field
- id: machine
  type: u2
  enum: machine

Processing specs can only be applied to byte arrays, so we must replace the type specification with a byte array’s size specification. Because the original type was an unsigned 2-byte value, we can simply treat the machine as a byte array of size 2. We must also remove the enum mapping, otherwise ksc will raise a compilation error when it tries to apply an enum to a byte array.

# Redefinition of the e_machine field to make it symbolic
- id: machine
  size: 2
  process: s2e_make_symbolic(s2e_state, start_addr, _io.pos, "machine")

Finally, we must propagate two additional arguments — the S2E execution state and the input file’s start address — from the parser’s constructor to s2e_make_symbolic. We do this with the “params spec”. The machine attribute is nested under the endian_elf and top-level elf types, so the following params spec must be defined under both.

  - id: s2e_state
  - id: start_addr

We must also modify the header’s type from endian_elf to endian_elf(s2e_state, start_addr). This ensures that the two arguments are passed to endian_elf’s constructor. (If this is all getting a bit confusing, remember that the full source code is available here).

# The original header's type
- id: header
  type: endian_elf

# Redefined to propagate the S2E execution state and input file's start address
# to the endian_elf type
- id: header
  type: endian_elf(s2e_state, start_addr)

Now recompile elf.ksy. If you open elf.lua you should see that the constructor (Elf:_init) now takes s2e_state and start_addr as its first two arguments. These arguments are saved and later propagated to the S2eMakeSymbolic constructor via the Elf.EndianElf constructor.

All that’s left to do is write a small function in our S2E configuration file that will instantiate and run our parser. This function is invoked by the handleMakeSymbolic method in the KaitaiStruct plugin.

package.path = package.path .. ";./lua_runtime/?.lua"
local stringstream = require("string_stream")

function make_symbolic_elf(state, start_addr, buffer)
  local ss = stringstream(buffer)

  -- This will kick-start the parser. We don't care about the final result
  Elf(state, start_addr, KaitaiStream(ss))

-- Enable and configure the necessary plugins
pluginsConfig.KaitaiStruct = {
  parser = "make_symbolic_elf",

And we’re done!

Experimenting with readelf

We’re finally ready to experiment with readelf. Before we do, modify the S2E configuration file so that only the following plugins are enabled:

  • BaseInstructions
  • HostFiles
  • Vmi
  • TranslationBlockCoverage
  • ModuleExecutionDetector
  • ForkLimiter
  • ProcessExecutionDetector
  • LinuxMonitor

We’ll also have to modify bootstrap.sh. Under ${S2EGET} "readelf" add ${S2EGET} "small_exec.elf" to copy our testcase to the guest. In the prepare_inputs function replace truncate -s 256 ${SYMB_FILE} with cp small_exec.elf ${SYMB_FILE} to use our testcase. We won’t replace the symbfile command yet; let’s get an initial idea of how readelf performs on a fully symbolic file.

Run S2E for a minute or so before killing it. You should see many forked states (I forked 136 states). Let’s generate code coverage information:

# The actual disassembler isn't important
s2e coverage basic_block --disassembler=binaryninja readelf_kaitai

Where are these forks occurring? Many are in libc, due to readelf calling printf on symbolic data. What about the forks that occur in readelf? The following images show snippets of two functions from readelf: process_section_headers and init_dwarf_regnames. Green basic blocks indicate blocks that were executed by S2E. Fork points have also been annotated with their constraints (in KLEE’s KQuery format):

readelf proccess_section_headers code coverage

readelf’s process_section_headers code coverage

readelf init_dwarf_regnames code coverage

readelf’s init_dwarf_regnames code coverage

Forking also occurs when checking:

  • If the input file is an archive
  • The data encoding (little endian or big endian)
  • The section header table’s file offset
  • If each section’s sh_link and sh_info values are valid

And at many other locations! Now let’s try and reduce forking to only those program paths that relate to the ELF header’s e_machine field. Edit bootstrap.sh and replace ${S2ECMD} symbfile ${SYMB_FILE} with ./s2e_kaitai_cmd ${SYMB_FILE}. Now rerun S2E for a minute. During my run, forking was limited to the get_machine_name and init_dwarf_regnames functions, both of which have switch statements based on the value of e_machine. Success!

Let’s try and target a different field in the ELF file — the section header’s sh_type. Unlike the e_machine field, which only occurs once in the ELF file, the sh_type can occur multiple times throughout the file (depending on the number of sections in the ELF file).

Once again, we must propagate the S2E execution state and input file’s start address to the appropriate attribute in the ELF declaration. This time we must add the params spec to the section_header type. The type attribute is defined as an unsigned 4-byte enum, so we must change this to a 4 byte array so that we can apply s2e_make_symbolic:

# Elf(32|64)_Shdr
    - id: s2e_state
    - id: start_addr
    # sh_name
    - id: name_offset
      type: u4
    # sh_type
    - id: type
      size: 4
      process: s2e_make_symbolic(s2e_state, start_addr, _io.pos, "sh_type")
    # ...

We must also ensure that these two arguments are passed to the SectionHeader’s constructor. The section header can be found under the section_headers instance:

# The original section_headers
  pos: section_header_offset
  repeat: expr
  repeat-expr: qty_section_header
  size: section_header_entry_size
  type: section_header

# Redefined for symbolic execution
  pos: section_header_offset
  repeat: expr
  repeat-expr: qty_section_header
  size: section_header_entry_size
  type: section_header(s2e_state, start_addr)

Notice that section_headers is declared as an “instance spec”. This means that section_headers compiles to a function that will only parse the section header on demand. Therefore we must access the section_headers to force them to be parsed. To do this we must modify the make_elf_symbolic function in s2e-config.lua:

function make_symbolic_elf(state, start_addr, buffer)
  -- ...

  -- This will kick-start the parser. However, now we do care about the final
  -- result, because we must access the section headers to force them to be
  -- parsed
  local elf_file = Elf(state, start_addr, KaitaiStream(ss))

  -- This will kick-start the section header parser
  _ = elf_file.header.section_headers

Run ksc to regenerate elf.lua. Before we rerun S2E, let’s take a look at elf.lua. In particular, the parsing of the section headers in the section_headersget method:

function Elf.EndianElf.property.section_headers:get()
  -- ...

  for i = 1, self.qty_section_header do
    self._raw__m_section_headers[i] = \
    local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw__m_section_headers[i]))
    self._m_section_headers[i] = Elf.EndianElf.SectionHeader(self.s2e_state,
                                                             _io, self,

  -- ...

Notice that ksc creates a local variable, _io, that gets passed to the SectionHeader constructor. This _io variable contains the raw data that will eventually be transformed into a SectionHeader object. Unfortunately, this causes a problem for the s2e_make_symbolic processing spec.

Recall that the parser’s current position (_io.pos) is passed to the s2e_make_symbolic processing spec. Unfortunately, when the local _io stream is created, this position is reset to zero, so using this position would result in an incorrect memory address being made symbolic. Fortunately, we can fix this with a small change to the Lua code:

for i = 1, self.qty_section_header do
  -- Get the absolute start address of the section header before it is parsed
  local _sec_hdr_start_addr = self.start_addr + self._io:pos()

  self._raw__m_section_headers[i] = \
  local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw__m_section_headers[i]))

  -- Use the section header's start address instead of the ELF's start address
  self._m_section_headers[i] = Elf.EndianElf.SectionHeader(self.s2e_state,
                                                           _io, self,

Yes, hacking the generated Lua code is kind of disgusting. However, it ensures that the correct memory address is made symbolic. When I reran S2E, forking was limited to sh_type comparisons in the process_section_headers function. Success again!

Conclusions and future work

In this post I’ve looked at how we can perform more targeted symbolic execution of file parsers. Rather than giving the parser a fully-symbolic input file (which quickly leads to path explosion), we can use Kaitai Struct to target specific parts of the input file to make symbolic. While this approach seems to work, there are a few problems associated with it.

First, it relies on the user having a valid seed file to perform symbolic execution with. This seed file must also contain data for the part of the parser that we wish to exercise. For example, let’s assume that we wanted to apply this technique to a PNG parser. If we took this definition of a PNG file and wanted to see what happened when the bkgd_truecolor attribute was made symbolic, our PNG seed would also have to contain a background color chunk. Otherwise our parser would have nothing to make symbolic.

For similar reasons, we cannot just use the “empty” symbolic file that the S2E bootstrap script creates. Why? Because when the Kaitai Struct parser executes, it runs on concrete data contained in the file. The default symbolic file that S2E creates is filled with NULL characters, so the parser would fail instantly. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could pull files out of thin air?

Other issues stem from how we are using Kaitai Struct. This is not the fault of Kaitai Struct; in fact the Kaitai Struct FAQ explicitly states that the generated parsers are not designed for this model of “event-based” parsing. We could have modified ksc to generate code that required fewer manual modifications (e.g. automatically generate the params spec, use non-lazy instance specs, always keep track of the parser’s absolute position, etc.), however for simplicity I wanted to leave Kaitai Struct “as is”.

What about non file-based symbolic execution? For example, in my previous post I showed how to use S2E to solve a CTF challenge that used a command-line string as input. The approach described in this post would not help in solving this CTF challenge. However, there is no reason why the KaitaiStruct plugin could not be extended to work on command-line strings. For example, we could define the CTF challenge’s input string in Kaitai Struct as follows:

  id: ctf-input
  title: Google CTF input format
  ks-version: 0.8
  - id: prefix
    size: 4
    contents: "CTF{"
  - id: to_solve
    size: 63 # total length of 67 bytes minus the 4 byte prefix
    process: s2e_make_symbolic(s2e_state, start_addr, _io.pos, "to_solve")
  - id: s2e_state
  - id: start_addr

With some additional code we could run this parser on the input string to make only the last 63 bytes symbolic. This would allow us to remove the onSymbolicVariableCreation method from the S2E plugin.

Despite these problems, combining S2E and Kaitai Struct seemed to work fairly well for the work that I was doing (although your mileage may vary!). We could probably get around these problems with a bit more work (and a lot more code). However, I think I’ll save that for a future post :)