
Hi there! 👋

My name is Adrian. I am a security researcher interested in applying program analysis techniques to reverse engineering and software security problems. I have a penchant for functional programming (and programming languages theory writ large). This blog is mainly about those things.

In addition to my day job as a researcher at Interrupt Labs I also teach software security to students at the Australian National University (ANU). ANU is also where I completed my PhD, under the supervision of Tony Hosking (ANU), Mathias Payer (EPFL), and Michael Norrish (ANU).

In a previous life I undertook software security research at the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) and hacked on the S2E symbolic execution engine at the Dependable Systems Lab (DSLab). I regularly contribute to open-source software (mostly focused around program analysis and software security. Unsurprisingly) and speak at both “hacker” and academic conferences in Australia. My CV is available here.

When I’m not breaking software I like to run, climb, and take photos of things (generally not at the same time).


My Twitter DMs are open. Start there.