Hi there! 👋
My name is Adrian. I am a security researcher interested in applying program analysis techniques to reverse engineering and software security problems. I have a penchant for programming languages theory. This blog is mainly about these things.
In addition to my day job as a researcher at Interrupt Labs I teach software security at the Australian National University (ANU). ANU is also where I completed my PhD, under the supervision of Tony Hosking (ANU), Mathias Payer (EPFL), and Michael Norrish (ANU).
In a previous life I undertook software security research at the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) and hacked on the S2E symbolic execution engine at the Dependable Systems Lab (DSLab). I regularly contribute to open-source software (mostly focused around program analysis and software security. Unsurprisingly) and speak at both “hacker” and academic conferences in Australia. My CV is available here.
When I’m not writing/breaking software I like to cook, run, climb, and take photos of things (generally not at the same time).